
That's just the way it is.

While listening to the musical selections constantly being played over the building's sound system, I pondered the concept of becoming desensitized to music. If you can become mentally conditioned to have little or no reaction towards images of violence, could you condition your musical tastes along the same lines? If you are forced to listen to selections of dull, uninventive and overplayed tunes for eight hours a day, seven days a week could it affect your judgement of what is good music, and what is bad music?

Enter services like Muzak - the Holy Grail of the corporate world - protecting our antisocial tendencies from uncomfortable silence, especially in cafeterias and restrooms! While being able to listen to 'music' while you work may seem like a benefit to some, it may actually be a burden. Does playing the same Phil Collins and Dave Matthews Band songs twice daily improve workflow and efficiency? Does it make you like your job more? It may improve your desk tapping and foot drumming skills, but that's about it.


Angie Mack said...

I was just surfing blogs and came across yours. Not only do I agree with you, but I've HATE/LOATHE the MUZAK as well as stations that claim to play "Light Rock, less talk..." Don't even get me started on Delilah. I'm probably the only person I've met that goes crazy at the sound of her voice!

Happy Blogging! An-G

Mason said...

Who's that old beared fucker on the piano on that Quest phone service commercial? He was also ripped apart in 40 Yr. Old Virgin, as he was played 24 hours a day in their store. God damnit. I can't remember. Anyway, he's the worst of them all. I want to make violence on him.

Anonymous said...

Mace, I believe you are referring to Michael McDonald, former singer of the Doobie Brothers. And I agree with your assessment of him.

Stefan, welcome to the Blog world. I’m thinking of starting my own load of B.S. page sometime. Let me know how you like it.

I would like to do an experiment and see what happens when we take typical American bank employees and instead of playing soft rock MUZAC, play nothing but Mayhem, Marduk, and Immortal for eight hours a day. How long before a customer gets eaten?